Artificial Intelligence Course

I enrolled in an Artificial Intelligence course from Udemy! This course covers how to code and optimize AI, with in-depth explanations as to what is coded and why, as well as the backing concepts. Basic knowledge like Reinforcement Learning, Q Learning, and Artificial Neural Networks are also given. This course uses projects on Autonomous Cars, Doom, and Breakout to cover Deep-Q Learning, Deep Convolutional Q-Learning, and A3C respectively. OpenAI Gym, Python, and PyTorch are the main tools used to execute these projects, along with Anaconda and spyder.
So far, I have completed the Autonomous Car section and have shifted over to the Deep-Learning Course to help me better understand the inner workings of the AI and its code!
For information on the course, feel free to click here!
A3C Anaconda Artificial Intelligence Artificial Neural Networks Coding Deep Convolutional Networks Deep-Q Learning Machine Learning OpenAI Gym Optimization Python PyTorch Q Learning Reinforcement Learning spyder