Rockwell Automation Inc.

Quality Engineering, Rockwell Automation Inc., Cambridge, ON
Jan. – Apr. 2016, Sep. – Dec. 2016
Rockwell Automation Inc. is an international company that works with many different products and services. At their Cambridge location, I worked with their Medium Voltage Drives (seen below) and Starters products. Similar to the circuits that power fans and pumps, these power much larger devices and have a much greater capability. The production facilities included the assembly departments, but also the sheet metal and paint shop where they performed a variety of punching, shearing, welding, and forming operations.

Medium Voltage Drive
• Led two 8-person team projects including a $200,000 capital strategic quality project to reduce the top internal quality defect type by implementing fastening system to reduce total defects by approximately 7%
• Portrayed excellent application of quality methodologies and procedures, having used various Lean Six Sigma tools including the DMAIC process, gauge R&R studies, and Statistical Process Control to improve quality and operations
• Displayed independence, reliability, and dedication through ability to effectively self-manage projects and tasks, manage conflict, give informative updates, and complete routine tasks with high quality
• Saved $10,000 on tool balancing structure by exploring simpler designs while still meeting requirements
• Created, maintained and analyzed various periodic quality defect analysis reports including PFMEA reports using SAP data and presented quality status at some all-employee meetings
• Liaised with suppliers while developing, documenting and implementing processes for their new technology
• Managed material review board meetings twice daily and defined corrective actions for medium voltage drives and starters, and sheet metal fabrication, including supplier and production defect corrective action plans
• Executed projects under ISO 9001:2008 for quality management systems, with introduction to ISO 9001:2015